sifedine | pengi dev


Hey there, I'm sifedine

and i am a full-stack developer

about me

blob shape svgdev vector icon

i'm a young developer from algeria, i use javascript and typescript i code both client side (react, nextjs) and backend (nodejs express and mongodb) and even server hosting and management. i've shown a good level of dedication and perseverance in pursuing my passion for software development. with a natural ability to solve problems and an eagerness to learn, i'm committed to keeping up to date with the latest technology. my diverse skills in web development, server management, and publishing make me an invaluable asset to any team.


never regret the past, if the action was good it's a memory, if it wasn't then it's a lesson

- sifedine

the future isn't scary, the future isn't joyful. the future is the result of your very moment

- sifedine

if you're not facing problems at what you're doing, you are not evolving you are repeating

- sifedine

My Skills

as a full-stack developer, here is my skillset of some of the languages and technologies i use the most





Node js




Mongo DB




My Projects

these are some of the projects i've made, most of them are just for practice

co med

Co Med is a platform for both doctors and patients, it allows and helps doctor to manage and view their patients info, including charts, stats, public online reservation profile

Co Med


Chatti is an open sourced chat web application that was built by react, nodejs, express, mongoDB and

Co Med

utils core

utils-core.js is a powerful JavaScript utility library that provides a wide range of functions to simplify common programming tasks

Co Med

Rhyno bot dashboard

Rhyno bot is a verified multipurpose discord bot, i developed the dashboard that is responsible for claiming the rewards, customize the commands in the servers, customize the bot settings and replies

Co Med